5 Zoom tips to master professional workshop facilitation

At Strategic Facilitators we have designed and delivered a diverse range of successful senior team meetings, board meeting, webinars and meetings with small and large groups though this COVID-19 period. Not only are we delivering great outcomes, but we are also building the capabilities of our clients and helping them to deliver engaging virtual sessions.

Our process includes preparing workshop participants on the content and technical aspects of virtual interaction and the different ways to productively contribute to discussions. 

‘We are all learning [from Strategic Facilitators] how to run a really great virtual session!’

client feedback

In a previous article, we shared 5 practices for conducting successful remote workshops to get you started …

Now we share our facilitators’ top tips on how to get the most from the online facilitation tool, Zoom!

1. Use the Zoom chat function

Encourage participants to use the chat function to share thoughts and comments without disrupting the flow of a presentation or discussion.

2. Raise your hand virtually

Introduce the virtual hand-raising function. Participants can use it without interrupting the ongoing discussion to indicate they would like to speak.

3. Break out into smaller groups

Use the virtual breakout room function to create a fun and engaging space for smaller groups. Groups can be pre-allocated or randomly assigned, but these smaller break-out rooms give everyone an opportunity to contribute and share!

4. Use a virtual poll

Save some time and pre-prepare a poll to run at the beginning or end of the workshop to gather participants’ expectations and feedback. Or do both to check in ‘real-time’ how participants reactions to the content change from the beginning to the end.

5. Send a Zoom ‘cheat sheet’ to participants prior to the workshop

Include details on how to access the call, the functions being used throughout the workshop, and how to use these functions. Not only does this ensure technology challenges don’t derail your conversations, but it gives your participants the best chance to actively participate and contribute.

Strategic Facilitators’ best practice tip:


At the start of your virtual workshop or meeting, introduce a set of workshop principles to encourage the best use of the virtual environment. For example:

  • Stay logged in – remain in the zoom meeting even during breaks
  • Keep video on – it makes it much easier to stay engaged and to resist the urge to multi-task!
  • Keep the chat open – use this function to post any questions or comments you have
  • Don’t talk over others – raise your virtual hand, or post your comment in the chat
  • Mute when not talking – to minimise background noise and distractions

Here’s what some of our valued clients have to say about the benefits of virtual workshops.

No matter your location, contact us today. 

For more information please contact us below or call the office on 03 9428 8817.

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